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Howdy Neighbour! Pt.2


Why is property services the right fit for us?

Why the property service's industry?


Let's provide you with our top 3 reasons as to why we felt like this industry was for us!

  1. We are good at what we do.

  2. We saw an opportunity to be different!

  3. Someone told us that we couldn't make it.


Let's dig a littler deeper into each of these topics, shall we?


Not to brag or anything, but...

We're good at what we do!

With the continual learning and growing that comes with years of experience, we have not only learned the trade well, but we have enhanced the area's of service that we feel have been lacking, or could use some extra attention.

How so?

Let's break this down for you by the services we offer.

Window Washing:

When we first learned the trade of washing windows in the traditional style, we were introduced to the regular 3-step method - Mop, Squeegee, Wipe - and while this method is essential in learning the trade, we also felt that it was lacking. The truth is that it just wasn't a method performing to our cleaning standards. The 3-step method often just removes service level dust & build up, this quick and easy process can result in "fast" work where things get missed. Finally, this 3-step process actually resulted in customers calling back asking to fix what was missed, or to provide more services that offered a deeper clean.

So, we had to ask ourselves, "Can we put a stamp of approval on this 3-step method?". Our answer: NO.

We want satisfied customers, who don't have to dig back into their pockets for a cleaning that should have been done correctly the first time. Instead we came up with a solution.

Introducing our 5-step process:






Bonus: Quality Check (each pane of glass receives a quality check before we move on to the next one. If it doesn't meet our standards, we fix it before we move on.)

Why doesn't every window company offer this?

Frankly, because it takes too much time. And - as we have experienced - many companies have the quantity over quality mentality. How many customers can we service in a day? - translates into - How much money can we make in a day??

In conclusion, the 5-step process is an easy process to adopt, anyone could do it. But, not many are willing to take that extra time to provide quality service. We, on the other hand, are committed to it!


We have to give it to the "windows" they are the superstars in our line of work. But, let's touch on how we focus in on our other services.

Gutter Cleaning:

Our Question: "How do we make gutter cleaning services better?"

Our Answer's:

1. Have the right tools to do the job.

We choose to invest in the tools that

will keep the jobsite clean, our work

efficient and our customers happy.

One thing that makes our customers

happy, is knowing that we take care

of the waste that has been collected

from their gutters! We are even

prepared to offer minor repairs

for issues that you have noticed!

2. Always preform a quality check

Our name is important to us, and the quality that we leave behind is a reflection of what

we value. And we value happy customers!

3. Raise awareness

This is probably the most important detail to gutter cleaning. Our clientele know that

gutter cleaning is an important aspect in upkeeping the value of their property. But do

many know the reason(s) why?

For example; did you know that annual gutter cleaning can save you the headache of

damaged & broken gutters? Having your gutters cleaned as often as one time a year

can save you a hefty repair or replacement bill!

We are continuously providing valuable information to our client base on the

importance of gutter cleaning, via our social media presence, blog and informative


In addition to all that, if we are on site performing other services, and notice that your

gutters could use some TLC we will let you know, so that you can make an informed

decision on what your next steps of care should be.


Pressure Washing:

Let's take a moment here, to inform you how we protect your home when we are performing a pressure washing service.

- We will arrange to have your windows screens removed prior to the scheduled service.

This is an important, and overlooked detail. If screens are not removed, the homeowner risks damaged property and repair bills.

-We identify potential trouble spots.

If we see cracks or damage to the exterior area that we are servicing we will inform you about it. We also take great care in providing an exterior clean to an area that may be unfinished, or incomplete. When we are cleaning exterior areas with damage, we make sure to take the extra time needed to make sure we are not causing any further damage.

-We provide a "focused" cleaning.

When we are hired to pressure wash a customers property, we make sure that they truly receive a cleaning and not just a "wash".

-We take care with your landscaping.

You have invested into the allure of your property. When we are providing you with our services, we strive to ensure that the beauty of your property is not disturbed by our presence.


Solar Panel Cleaning:

What makes us good at what we do, when it comes to keeping your solar energy performing optimally?

It really boils down to 2 simple things. First we recognize that this is an important need in the property services industry, and have made sure to provide our customers with a solution. Secondly, we use the same 5-step process that we provide for our window cleaning, when caring for your solar panels!


2.We saw an opportunity to be different.

Working in an industry can really open your eyes to the faults of that industry. At the same time, it can reveal to you who is willing to work at removing the faulty systems, and who is willing to become complacent in the areas that have been declining.

Since starting as a hired hand in the property services world, we began to notice ways of operating that were dysfunctional for the industry and the consumer.

A major area of concern for us, was in the apparent disconnect between the client and the company relationship.

Instead of homeowners hiring companies that they could trust to care about their property, often times we found that homeowners had been left to deal with hired hands that show up to "just get work done".

First red flag for us.

There seemed to be no value put on building relationship with the customer.

We continually saw a corporate approach to property care. One, where hired hands were bogged down with timelines and quota's, that would in turn result with the homeowner receiving sloppy workmanship and an understanding that shortcuts had been taken with their property care. The sloppiness and shortcuts commonly are a by-product of the pressures put on the employee to move on to the next job, quickly.

Red flag number 2 for us.

What is a homeowner supposed to do from here?

They are really faced with only two options at this point.

Option 1: Give in to the fact that they received poor service this time around, and that next season they will have to call a different company, hoping that they don't run into the same issues.

OR... Option 2: Call into the company and file a complaint.

The problem with option 2 is that, when a homeowner calls into that company's head office, they find themselves speaking with another hired hand that is operating the phone lines. These over-the-phone communicators, take down the complaint, and assign the matter to a "Team Lead" that oversees that neighbourhood. This team lead will then ask another hired hand - who may or may not have originally serviced the property - to return and remedy the services that had already been given.

And this, my friends... is the corporate approach to property services. Exhausting, isn't it?


What if there was another way?

What if homeowners didn't have to go through this cycle?

What if they could hire someone they trusted?

What if every season they knew that their property care was in the right hands?

Those were the exact questions we found ourselves asking. Ultimately, those are the questions that caused us to say goodbye to working for someone else, and hello to working for ourselves. We just KNEW that we could provide a better experience, with even just a little extra effort.

That being said, we haven't been known to do anything only a "little" bit.

Customer care is a priority for us! Our clientele should know that we value them as homeowners, and value their property as if it were our own. This one value alone is the heart of everything we do, and our team members are all mentored with the same attitude.

We enjoy building relationships with our customers, not only that, but we make time to do so.

We focus our efforts into the job that we are doing right now. We don't distract ourselves with what job is next, and how fast we can go. We actually value slowing down, so that every service is performed optimally.

We strive to meet property owner approval, before we leave for the day.

We dislike the system of having to find a new company that will treat you well, as much as you do. And, we believe in the importance of the follow up.

We believe in our brand, and the name behind it. That's why if you need to call us regarding an issue, you won't find yourselves talking to someone who hasn't been on a worksite. You'll be in conversation with team members that know what your saying, value the importance behind the call and will either be informed themselves with how to provide a solution, or put you in contact with someone on our team who can.

Simply put. We place value in being different.


3.Someone told us that we couldn't make it.

The final reason that we decided that property services was for us, was when the naysayers started to filter in. We tried to raise awareness about how the property care industry could get better. And, as is expected, we were told it couldn't get better, and that we wouldn't be able to make it better.

Now, we're not sure about you and your thoughts on this, but we have found that when someone tells you that you can't it's usually because they are afraid that you will.

So, we let the thoughts of the naysayers put a drive within us, to push us to become the new standard for property services.

We may be small... But, we are mighty!


Stay tuned for the final blog post in our "Howdy Neighbour!" series.


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